Diabetes: Some pickled foods may cause an acute rise in blood sugar - worst culprits
27 Apr 2022
Daily Express
DIABETES rates are escalating at breakneck speed, due mainly to the growing burden of obesity. The condition can be prevented in numerous ways, but blood sugar control is non-negotiable. According some health bodies, pickled foods may be among some of the
“Ideally, from vegetables, whole grains, and fruits," explains the health body.
It continues: "Avoid highly refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and rice, as well as candy, sugar soft drinks, and sweets.
“Refined carbohydrates tend to cause sharp spikes in blood sugar, and can boost blood triglyceride levels.”
Alongside diet, exercise also offers promising results, with effects lasting up to 48 hours.
This is because exercise prompts the heart to beat faster and the body to breathe harder, which causes the muscles to use up more glucose.